Dayton's Bluff District Forum               Section C                 August 2000

Wilson Bradshaw named fifth 
president of Metropolitan State University 

   The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees named Dr. Wilson Bradshaw of Danville, Pennsylvania as Metropolitan State University's fifth president during their May 17 Board meeting. 
    Dr. Bradshaw comes to Metro State from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania where he served as provost and academic affairs vice president since 1995. He holds a B.A. in psychology and an M.A. in experimental psychology from Florida  Atlantic University and a Ph. D. in psychobiology from the University of Pittsburgh. 
   His involvement in community activities include service as a board member of the American Red Cross in Bloomsburg, membership in the Statesboro-Georgia Southern Symphony and the Urban Uague, and as a delegate to the first and third African-American Summits in Senegal and Corte d-Ivoire. He and his wife JoAnna have purchased a home in East St. Paul, minutes from Metro State's St. Paul Campus. 
   The appointment of Dr. Bradshaw is the conclusion to a nine-month presidential search process. He officially began his duties as president on July 1. Dr. Dennis Nielsen, who served as interim president since September 1998, has been appointed as the interim president of Southwest State University while MNSCU conducts a search for a permanent president. 

Upcoming Events at Merrick Community Services

55 Alive Refresher Course: AARP and MCS present a 4-hour classroom refresher course for Minnesota drivers who are 55 and older, and who have completed the 8-hour primary course.  Taking this course  allows senior citizens to continue to receive a 10% discount on their car insurance. 
Thursday, August 20, 2000 
9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
MCS' East Side Community Center 
1526 East Sixth Street 
Cost: $10 (paid to instructor) 
AARP and MCS strongly believe the individual and the community benefit from this course. Refreshments will be served. Class size is limited to 20. To register, please call Kathy Hamilton at 651-771- 8821. 

Four Steps To Stronger Bones: Attend four classes addressing the prevention and treatment of Osteoporosis. Learn a simple, specialized exercise program, methods to improve posture and balance, walking strategies to maximize bone  strength and guidelines for optimal calcium intake. 
Mondays, August 7,14,21 and 28, 2000 
10:00- 11:00 a.m. 
MCS'East Side Community Center 
1526 East Sixth Street 
Cost: $5 
MCS and Lifetrack Resources present this series taught by a Physical Therapist from Lifetrack Resources. Preregistration is required. To register, please call Monica Bergdahl at 651-771-8821. 

Merrick Preschool: A Great Start to A Successful Education! 
   Merrick Community Services' Preschool offers a quality program with trained professional staff who welcome and encourage parent involvement. Teachers are always available to discuss parents' concerns or answer questions. Parents are always welcome to visit the classroom to participate or just to observe.
   Morning and afternoon classes are held Monday through Thursday, September through May, with the same holiday schedule as the Saint Paul Public Schools. Morning sessions are from 9:00 to 11:30 a. m. Afternoon sessions are from 12:45 to 3:00 p.m. Afternoon sessions are operated under contract with Saint Paul Public Schools and some additional admission requirements may apply. 
   Preschool is a time for children to develop self-confidence and a positive attitude about school. The classroom provides the opportunity for children to learn through self-directed and group activities. Children experience story time, arts and crafts, cooking, free play, dramatic play, group time and activity centers. Monthly field trips provide children an opportunity to explore the world outside their immediate neighborhood and classroom. Parents are encouraged to attend. 
   MCS'goal is to offer a quality preschool program that is affordable to 0 families. A sliding fee scale is available. Each family's financial situation will be considered when tuition is determined during a conference between the child's parent(s) and the teacher. Children must be 3V2years old by September 1, 2000 to enroll. To register or for more information, please contact Lori Erb at 651-771-9339.- MCS information is available on our website at 

Trinity Student Recognized 
By Sister Virginia Bieren, Development Director; 
Trinity Catholic School 

June 28, 2000 
   Kaitlin Ramsey, a recent graduate from Trinity Catholic School, received two academic awards at the Awards Ceremony for her outstanding achievement in education. Kaitlin is the daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth Ramsey; the latter is a teacher on staff at Trinity Catholic. They are both proud of their daughter for receiving the President's Award for Educational Excellence and an award from De La Salle High School as one of their Presidential Scholars for the year 2000-2001.
   The President's Award for Educational Excellence recognizes the 'A" average that Kaitlin earned during her eighth grade year at Trinity Catholic. Kaitlin used the skills and knowl- edge gained at Trinity to her advantage as she passed the high school standards test on her first attempt, missing only one answer on the whole test. This score tied with two other students as the top score in all of the metro- politan area on the state's standards test. The Presidential Scholar award from De La Salle High School recognized not only Kaitlin's academic achievement, but her participation and leadership in school and/or community activities as well. Kaitlin has been an active member in Girl Scout Troop 1221, the Annunciation Youth Choir, Annunciation Youth Ministry, Improv, an acting and creative movement after school enrichment group, and the Trinity Catholic School choir. She will continue her involvement in music this summer performing with her father's community group, The Dakota Valley Symphony and Chorus. 
   Kaitlin received a $1000 scholarship from De La Salle High School and she may renew that ,scholarship each year that she meets academic and leadership goals. Kaitlin hopes to use the knowledge that she will gain at De La Salle High School to further her dreams to become an oncologic surgeon. 

East St. Paul Lutheran School Association 
To Hold Information Sessions 

East St. Paul Lutheran School will hold a series of  Paren tInormation Nights on August 7, 9, and 16 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. These meetings are intended to prepare parents for the coming school year. Parents will receive information about new programs being implemented; complete paper work; purchase bibles, student planners and PE uniforms; sign up for before and after school child care; participate in uniform exchange; and meet with teachers. All parents are encouraged to attend one of these evenings. 
   East St. Paul Lutheran School is a K- 8 school serving the East Side of St. Paul for more than 40 years. The office is located at 674 Johnson Parkway. For more information about the school, please call 651-774-2030. 

Dayton's Bluff Elementary News 
School Starting Dates: 
Kindergarten-September 7 
Grades 1-6--September 8 

Kindergarten conferences are on September 5 and 6. Please call 651-293- 8915 after August 14 to make an appointment. 

New Registrations: 
Please call 651-293-8915 after August 14 to register. 

Bethlehem Active In Community 

   Bethlehem Lutheran, 655 Forest, was established in 1887 as a church that ministered to the immigrants who came to Dayton's Bluff in search of a community. In the past 100 years the community has changed but Bethlehem remains interested in reaching out to the community that surrounds it. 
   A vital program of outreach to meet the needs of its neighbors while remaining a responsible worshiping community are the goals of this stalwart Christian organization. The Reverend R. H. Krueger has served in the community for nearly 19 years and is recognized by the many children who have attended Bible school and the adults who have attended block club meetings at the church. 
   Education and worship are the emphasis that bring heart and soul to a realization of peace in a troubled world. JOY Preschool (651-771-6982) and East St. Paul Lutheran School Association K-8 (651-774-2030) offer solid educational programs taught from a loving Christian perspective and are open to all members of the community. JOY Preschool plans to eypand to a full-time childeare as soon as staff can be arranged. 
   Community interaction will take place at a block party in the church parking lot celebrating "National Night Out" on August 1. Food and entertairnnent will bring neighbors young and old together for fellowship. Bethlehem will open its doors to neighborhood groups interested in building community through discussion with the goal of a better and safer neighborhood for all. 
   As we move into the 21st century and new immigrants and families come to Dayton's Bluff, Bethlehem has envisioned a ministry to its Hmong neighbors. The Reverend Kou Seying will be reaching out to families who are interested in developing stronger relationships while meeting the challenge of the 21st century American culture. 
   If you have any ideas or suggestions on how Bethlehem can be of service to you or the Dayton's Bluff community, please call the church office at 651-776- 4737, and ask for Pastor Bob Krueger or a member of the staff. 

Ask Amber
Hello Everyone, my name is Amber and I will be writing this column each month as a part of this wonderful neighborhood newspaper, but I will   need your help. My job is to answer any question or problem you may have. Questions can include relationships, life, science, pets, inquiries on local restaurants/businesses/events, or anything  you want. I will research and ask people in that specific profession or business to get your answers. Hope to hear from you soon! 

Do diet pills actually help you lose weight? 
None of these drugs have been proven. Most of these synthetic drugs contain DHEA (dhydroepiandrosterone), which is a simulated sexual hormone. This is naturally found in  young adults in the seven-year-old range, but not in adults. Older people using this hormone have seen some adverse side effects that you may be surprised at. Women find that the drug acts as testosterone and promotes facial and chest hair. For men, some studies have shown that it can  increase their chances of prostate cancer. Truly, the only way that these pills can help you to lose weight is if you include them with a regular exercise plan and start eating well. But this plan is just as effective at weight loss without the pills. So if you want to loose weight, no more extra-cheese pizza while sitting in your lazy-boy: get off your butt and exercise! 

If you have a question that you would like answered, please write to me at: 
Attn: Ask Amber 
798 E. 7" Street 
St. Paul, MN 56106 
Or e-mail your question to:
All answers given herein are solely the opinion of the writer and not the Dayton's Bluff District Forum nor the writers or advertisers or the people and businesses included in the column. Amber's answers will be researched in depth and are accurate as opinion, but not necessarily fact.